Source code for image_processor_client.image_methods.discord

from .._http import HttpImageClient

[docs]class DiscordMethods(object): """Base class for available discord imaging methods.""" def __init__(self, http: HttpImageClient): self.http = http
[docs] async def ss_message( self, name: str, message_content: str, avatar_url: str, name_color: tuple = None, time_stamp: str = None ): """Requests server to process screenshot of a discord message using provided parameters and returns image\ bytes. Note ---- For now it only supports text message content. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of discord User or Member who sent the message. message_content : str Full clean message content avatar_url : str Direct avatar URL of discord User or Member who sent the message. name_color : tuple, optional A tuple representing RGB color of discord User or Message who sent the message. It's default value\ is set to ``(255, 255, 255)``. time_stamp : str, optional String representing date and time stamp of epoch when message was sent. Uses ``Today at 11:38 AM``\ if not provided. Returns ------- bytes Binary image bytes which appears as screenshot of a discord message. """ if name_color: name_color = list(name_color) kwargs = { "name": name, "message_content": message_content, "avatar_url": avatar_url, "name_color": name_color, "time_stamp": time_stamp } data = await self.http.ss_discord_message(**kwargs) return data.read_data
[docs] async def get_welcome_banner( self, banner_url: str, avatar_url: str, name: str, discriminator: int, text: str, **options ): """Requests for welcome banner mostly used by discord servers to welcome newly joined members with custom text. Note ---- It supports most of the image formats including GIFs. Parameters ---------- banner_url: str Direct URL of the banner file to be used as template. It can also be a GIF. avatar_url: str Direct URL of member's avatar to be pasted on banner. name: str Discord name of new member or anything. discriminator : int The discriminator of the Discord user. text: str Custom text to be written after name. border_color: str, optional Specify banner border color. font_color: str, optional Specify font color for banner text. avatar_border_color: str, optional Specify border color for avatar. Returns ------- bytes Binary image bytes of banner. It can also be a GIF. """ kwargs = { "banner_url": banner_url, "avatar_url": avatar_url, "name": name, "text": text, "discriminator": f"#{discriminator}" } kwargs.update(options) data = await self.http.fetch_welcome_banner(**kwargs) return data.read_data
REQUIRED_PROFILE_RANK_CARD_DATA = [ "name", "avatar_url", "discriminator", "text_rank", "voice_rank", "text_xp", "text_target_xp", "text_total_xp", "text_level", "voice_xp", "voice_target_xp", "voice_total_xp", "voice_level", ]
[docs] async def get_profile_rank_card(self, **kwargs): """Requests to generate member's rank card bounded to every discord guild. Parameters ---------- name : str Discord name of the member. Without discriminator. discriminator : str Discord discriminator of the member. avatar_url : str Direct link to member's avatar URL. text_rank : int Member's text rank in the guild. voice_rank : int Member's voice rank in the guild. text_xp : int Member's text xp. text_target_xp : int The xp needed for the next level. text_total_xp : int Total text xp of the member. text_level : int Text chat level of the member. voice_xp : int Member's voice xp. voice_target_xp : int The xp needed for next voice level. voice_total_xp : int Total voice xp of the member. voice_level : int Voice level of the member. Returns ------- bytes Binary image bytes of generated rank card of the member. Raises ------ KeyError Raise KeyError when any of the required data key is not present. """ if not all(key in kwargs for key in self.REQUIRED_PROFILE_RANK_CARD_DATA): raise KeyError data = await self.http.fetch_profile_rank_card(**kwargs) return data.read_data